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The Conversation For Managers

Helping you build a communication framework to Connect,Ā Communicate &Ā Understand

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Master the art of managing through conversation



If work related conversations with your direct reports leave you feeling frustrated. Or, if you want to better understand the strengths in your team, then 'The Conversation for managers' has been designed for you.

In this video Edwina explains the value of managing through conversation and the positive impact that can have on teams.

What is The Conversation?

The Conversation is a 6 month development programme designed for new managers. Using a combination of virtual one-to-one coaching and e-learning, we start by identifying your work related strengths and then build on those strengths to learn how to use conversation to engage and motivate your team.

The Conversation helps new managers to build a communication framework to connect, communicate and understand their direct reports.

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Why The Conversation?

New managers often find it challenging to find the right style and frequency of communication with their direct reports and there are lots of reasons why this may be the case, it is perfectly normal and easily resolved.

Over the many years that I have worked in HR, I spent a lot of time supporting managers to resolve these challenges, and I realised that most of the time, issues could have been prevented with earlier conversations.

So, I have brought together some of the lessons which I have learned through my work in HR and the result is The Conversation. Lessons that I have learned the hard way, so that new managers don't have to!

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Course Benefits


Work Related Strength Discovery

Learn about your own work related strengths and how you can use those strengths to develop your team


Communication Framework Design

Design a communication framework that works, reducing the risk of conflict


Employer Brand Identification

Identify your employer brand and use it to hire better and retain for longer

A look at the modules inside ourĀ course


So they said yes!

In this module we learn how to 'start the conversation' with our new hires and we look at your employer brand. We also discuss reward and recognition, with some engagement initiatives to think about that do not cost the earth.


Getting on board

What does a successful onboarding (or induction) plan look like? How often should you review progress? We cover the first day, the first week and discuss what to include in the 'first 30 day' plan.


Goal Setting

Experienced managers know how to set goals that stretch their direct reports. But if you are a new manager, where do you start? This module shows you where to begin and explains the difference between goals and objectives, plus when to use 'SMART'.


Every day conversations

This is the core module that every manager needs, no matter how long you have been managing or leading people. These are the conversations that can be most effective at resolving conflict, frustration or unrest. We will dive into what good (every day) conversations really look like and why are they so important!


When things change

This module, includes a tiny bit of psychology. This is necessary because when things change, managers will often see a drop in performance, attendance or sometimes unusual behaviour. We will discuss my 'what you see is not the real problem' theory and in this module we learn how to ask great questions and then, well..... just listen.


Saying Goodbye

We know that at least 50% of millenials will change jobs within 3 years and for generation Z it is a little over 2 years. So, if we know that approximately 50% of our young workforce will start looking for new opportunities after a couple of years, why don't we plan for this? This module will show you how to use career development plans to 'normalise' these conversations. We learn how to plan for (and if possible reduce the likelihood of) voluntary goodbyes' and we learn when to ask for help from HR.

Your Program Investment



  • 2 x 60 minute coaching sessions every month for 6 months
  • 1 x Strengthscope profile
  • 1 x personal development plan
  • Anytime access to The Conversation on-line with lessons, workbooks, downloads, videos and top tips
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Hi, I'm Edwina!

Hello, I am Edwina and my passion is to help you be the best version of yourself, whatever that means for you, because we are all unique!

I am a professional coach, dedicated to working with new managers. However, my early career was in hospitality, which is where I first learned about work related strengths and about the power that a team has when they work well together. It was whilst working in hospitality that a customer planted the seed of a career in HR in my mind, with a simple comment that they had noticed I had a flair for developing others. That single comment set me off down a path I have never regretted.

Working as a HR Consultant to small businesses across a wide range of industries, I learned that many of the issues that managers wanted to resolve, could have been prevented through earlier and better conversations. It's just that many managers (particularly new managers) didn't know how to do this, or what to say. That was it! The Conversation was born.

Your Program Investment



  • 2 x 60 minute coaching sessions every month for 6 months
  • 1 x Strengthscope profile
  • 1 x personal development plan
  • Anytime access to The Conversation on-line with lessons, workbooks, downloads, videos and top tips
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